Saturday, February 27, 2010


It feels so good to be using pencils again, I feel like its been forever sense I worked traditionally
Anyway, This piece is kicking off a serise of fine art paintings.
They are going to be similar to the shapes painting I did not to long ago, but I'm going to make these extremely realistic, but still the same concept. I really cant wait to finish this but its 3 in the morning and I'm fighting a cold. Hopefully if my body allows me Ill have this finished by the morning, otherwise keep an eye out for it, it's gonna be a good one!!
(I hope)


Carlos V. said...

loving it already homey!

Lamar Mathurin said...

keep it movin! nice!

Frame Theory said...

lookin good. can't wait to see it

davidgoughart said...

skulls are a dominating theme in my ow work, so naturally I love this.

FML said...

i'm interested to see how the placement of the colored shapes are going to work.

What do you feel drives that involvement if you don't mind me asking?

Daniel said...

Looks awesome so far. Cant wait to see it finished