Tuesday, August 19, 2008

October shows, lflyer

Doing a small florida tour with all new work, I'll have a ton of prints and shirts as well
Im working on the poster image right now
so check back soon


Brian Lue Sang said...

This is such good news!!! I missed you at Megacon so I'm too damn happy about you coming to Orlando!

Benjamin Kowalski said...

Awesome! i'm a design student at ringling and love your work. i'll definatly be out to Digital 3. I was there at Tata Gala last year and i'm looking forward to the one this year!


Adam Tamte Volker said...

Making a note in my calender. Stoked to see your shit in person.


FML said...


niki@heynikiniki.com said...

congrats, good sir

Double "D" said...

Great example of 3 value

Lindsey Lydecker said...

im so excited ^_^