Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New York comic con!!

i had the time of my life!!!!
th con was cool to


rico said...

Good seeing you captain underpants!

Anonymous said...

you've got a tree sleeve now?!
i've been trying to get in there, but no one's gotten back to me yet.

Belmhern said...

hello iris!!, te escribo desde espaƱa, he llegado a tu blog, de casualidad y me a parecido genial.
Me gusta mucho tu estilo y tu forma de trabajar, te felicito por ello. Siento no hablar ingles para poder tener mejor dialogo.
Saludos desde mi blog.

Unknown said...

dude!!! i was there, it would've been good to see you.

Jamil R. Lahham said...

I'm still digging the stash man

Unknown said...

Who's the hot guy you're with? He's hot. And talented. I can tell by looking at him.